EUROMILLIONS - Facts, tips and curio...

RENTAP - "The only lottery predictive 
                 system, LIVE, on the internet!!!"  

RENTAP`s predictions can be used by all bettors. However, those bettors or syndicates who follow the predictions in a regular and assiduos basis increase their odds of being rewarded with more prizes! 

"Guessing is seeking luck to escape working 
Forecasting is working to escape the luck. " 

DOES "THE GAMBLER`S FALLACY” EXIST?It exists and it is, most of the time, associated with the impossibility of predicting random events. That association is wrong and abusive. But first let's look at what is known as the "The Gambler`s Fallacy. 
It consists of the assumption that, at each moment, the result of a lottery tends to average. That is, if on roulette the number 3 is drawn for 5 consecutive times, for example, players are tempted to think that it is being drawn too many times and next time will not be drawn. Now, this is absurd! Thus, the player falls into the error of thinking that the game seeks the average and seeks to give opportunities to all balls every moment or as soon as possible!! This is not true. This only occurs in infinite time, in the long run. However, this does not mean that it is not possible to predict! Therefore, one should not associate "The Gamblers Fallacy" with the impossibility of predicting draws as evidenced by RENTAP the model - the first algorithm able to predict the outcome of lottery raffles, as shown weekly in its blogs. 

All those who do not believe in the possibility of predicting the outcome of lotteries use two arguments to defend their position:

Each draw is an independent event;The draws have no memory.   
However, these arguments are not appropriate. Let's see why: 

The fact that the events are independent or dependent on each other does not interfere with the possibility of prediction because the RENTAP predictions are made from the numerical analysis of the results and their patterns. Therefore, it is a work done “a posteriori”, that is, it analyzes and detects numerical patterns. It does not matter whether the results are the consequence of an intentional plan that the numbers or spheres have "a priori" or if the results of a draw are a consequence of the previous draw. This discussion is irrelevant. It is like debating the primacy of the egg or chicken. What is interesting to know is that having the spheres memory or not, being the draws events independent or not, there is an algorithm able to predict their results - RENTAP.

In the same way, one can not speak of memory applied to physical phenomena since, in principle, memory is characteristic of living beings, although many materials have "memory".
Therefore, once again, the issue of memory is irrelevant to prediction, because what RENTAP does is to analyze the numerical patterns, regardless of whether or not the draws have an initial deterministic plane based on memory or on draw`s dependence.

In sum, the numerical patterns exist although it is assumed that the numbers have no memory, and therefore not having the intention of forming the patterns found.




Yes, if too many players follow a predictive system (like RENTAP, for instance) it is very difficult for the lottery to survive because as the predictive model beats the odds in ah high percentage, let`s say a value between 5% and 10%, it could put at risk the lottery`s margin of safety and force the management to redistribute and reorganize the pyramid of prizes and the amount destined to them. If the performance is higher than 10%, then the model could put at risk the lottery itself as profitable entity.

Yes, it is. That is what helped RENTAP to build its algorithm. The patterns are roughly, sometimes naïf, difficult to identify, the edges are not accurate but like a sketch in the sand, or a rock formation most of the time we can say whether it is a square or a circle or a triangle or woman`s head or even a more complex figure that involves time....

To predict is trying to atack the walls of reality. Every time we open a breach in those walls we are predicting (watching a glance of its interior) and knowing a little bit of the reality.
However, reality is fractal (and this is already a conceptual approach) and, usually, humankind tries to predict using non-fractal or Euclidean mathematics. So, we will come out always defeated because it is impossible to fight a fractal reality with Euclidean matthematics.
It's like facing a tank with a plastic gun ...That is why the breach closes rapidly.
We live obsessed with the mathematical average but the reality does not calculate averages. Reality just want to be itself. And fractal mathematics is more realistic than Euclidian mathematics...For now, fractal mathmatics is the best gun we have to fight reality.

The ultimate mathmatical concept and theory is reality itself.

Any body that has mass is subject to the force of gravity, which also affects all bodies equally, being a bulldozer or bird`s feather. Therefore, all objects fall to the ground at the same speed, since released from the same height.
The Randomness seems to be a kind of 5th fundamental force, besides the Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Weak Nuclear Force and Strong Nuclear Force. In fact, when betting all players (bodies) are subject to the same random force (randomness), which makes their performance tends to Theoretical Average or Reference (ground). Escaping to that fate is not impossible, but it requires a huge effort comparable to the enormous amounts of energy consumed by a rocket to overcome the force that pulls it back to the earth. Playing a 2 lotteries of the same type in Asia or Europe is the same, as the Gravity also is because the odds of the 2 players are similar. And the difficulty of predicting is also similar like a rocket has the same difficult to lift both in Asia as in Europe. Or, of if you like, 1 Kilo of apples in Asian weights also 1 kilo in Europe.

RENTAP thinks to understand a little bit about the way to counter and overcome the gravitational force that affects all bettors and pushes them to the Theoretical Average.


What if, instead we seek to increase the amount of hits, we try to reduce it? It would be easy? No, it would not. It would be equally difficult. Why?
Because the randomness is an absolute value. It tends always to the theoretical average as the speed of light tends to 300,000 km/s. It is not easy to obtain light that exceed this value but it is not easy to obtain light that travels at a lower speed also. Light speed is what it is like the Reference or Theoretical Value.
Likewise designing a bad forecasting model (that gets hit below the theoretical average) is as difficult as designing a good one (which exceeds the reference).

The Reference or Theoretical Average is what equals the scientist and the illiterate, the literate and the illiterate, 
as death equals the rich and poor, the healthy and the sick. 
In fact, if a mathematician , or a lawyer , or engineer regularly bet 20N on EUROMILLIONS, for example, they will get about 1,872 hits per draw in the long run. However, if an illiterate or uneducated is doing so he will get also the same results. So, the intricacies of randomness are so complex that the fact that someone has a superior academic training, albeit on Mathematics and Statistics, does not guarantee for him any advantage over another that is completely illiterate or uneducated .
In conclusion, luck is like death: all equals - regardless of their status and condition -
 and hits according to criteria that only it completely understands. Thus designing the perfect prediction model (the one that allows us to get 100 % success ) would be a way to reach, unravel and know God. As many argue , God can be math ...

(RENTAP understands only a little more than other gamblers about this profound mystery of randomness.)



RENTAP came to prove that, contrary to what most of the people think:
  • the numbers of a lottery do not have the same odds;
  • numbers do not experiment a "random walk";
So, randomness is not so random, afterall
It is already possible for RENTAP to capture and identify some rules and patterns.
So, let us try, through a quick exercise, calculate how much does RENTAP know about randomnessthat secret, mythical and apparently impregnable discipline.

Well, if in theory RENTAP predicts the 5 numbers from the 5N set in all draws, then we would achieve a performance of 1000%, because 5/0.5 = 10 (0.500 is the reference, that is, the average amount of hits obtained by common gambler).

Then 1000 represents the entire knowledge about the randomness, i.e. 100%
As RENTAP, on average, gets 0.610 hits per draw in 5N setwe have that:
0.610/0.500 = 1.22 or +22%

So, if 1000% represents 100%, then 22% will represent 2.2%

That means that RENTAP already knows about 2.2of all rules, laws, patterns, anyway, the "secrets ofRandomness".

We believe that we are not wrong in stating that RENTAP is the first and only prediction scientific system of the world that discloses for free and  in advance (2 days in advance) its predictions for the draw of a social Lotto. 
This system enables the control, confirmation, surveillance and the weekly scrutiny of its results and performance by all the punters and followers. Simply, because we know that if you follow regularly RENTAP`s forecasts, you are increasing your odds of success. 

In summary RENTAP works!

For several times we have been asked the question that makes the title of this article, by some followers less familiar with mathematics: so, an algorithm is a more or less complex mathematical process that evolves according to a set of rules or orders and, is described by one or a set of mathematical formulas or even a computer software. 

Due to its complexity RENTAP algorithms are formed by multiple mathematical formulas.

RENTAP currently has 4 algorithms from which elaborates the bi-weekly forecasts for the 2 followed Lotos - "Euromillions" and "Totoloto":

  • One of the algorithms is responsible for NS forecasts (TOTOLOTO`s Lucky Numbers);
  • another one provides the LS  predictions ( EUROMILLIONS` LUCKY STARS) and, finally,
  • the 3rd and 4th, which are very similar, elaborate N forecasts (EUROMILLIONS` NUMBERS and TOTOLOTO`s NUMBERS).
Anyway, RENTAP prouds for its algorithms are never finished. In this area of knowledge (rule of probabilities), where there is so little research, RENTAP is continuously studying and developing new processes to increase the amount of hits. Thus, whenever possible, the RENTAP formulas are reviewed and changed with new improvements.

Stochastics is a branch of Rule of Probabilities opposed to Determinism.
Here's an example: if we roll a die we will adopt a deterministic attitude if we affirm that the face 2 will have 100% chances of being selected in the next move (which means the remaining 5 faces will have 0% chance each one). Well, this is a kind of binary option or True/False event.

Rather, to Stochastics it is not so important if an event is True or False but how much True it is (or False). So, recalling the die`s example we will adopt a stochastic technique if we calculate the real and effective odds of each side of the die. In this case we could say, for instance, that the face 2 has 23% of chances of being selected, the face 4 21%, the face 5 19%, the face 1 18%,  the face 6 also 18% and face 3 has 17% chances of being selected. 
This is the work that RENTAP weekly does regarding EUROMILLIONS.

As life, luck or random phenomena are not black and white, but in a large grayscale!!!

In High Schools of Mathematics is taught that it is impossible to predict random phenomena, gambling, in particular. 
Well, it seems that  this is not quite true...!
Other myth defends the theory that all numbers have the same odds. 
It seems that, after all, they don`t and it is possible to calculate their odds individually ...!

Did you know that the odds of a common gambler (who chooses the numbers by himself) to get 2+0 prize are 1/23? It means: he needs 23 draws, on average, to get the 2+0 prize?

Did you know that if you follow RENTAP 5N forecast the value comes down from 1/23 to 1/15? It means that instead 23 draws the bettor needs only 15 draws, on average, to win 2+0 prize?

Logically, if the RENTAP forecast historical record (since mid 2011) allows us to draw these conclusions in relation to the 13th prize, is to conclude that the same is true for the remaining prizes!!

We are feeling some difficulties in demonstrating to the punters the reason why an algorithm with negative performance is so interesting as an algorithm with good performance. That is, an algorithm that gets hits below the average is as useful and profitable as other that gets hits above the average.
Here's an example:
Imagine a bettor who decides to contact the Mathematics Department from a prestigious University and ask a Professor / Researcher to provide him weekly the more likely numbers of being drawn in a particular lotto.

Teacher / Researcher: "- Well, this is impossible. I am affraid we can not predict those numbers."
Bettor: "- In that case, I ask you something much easier. Give me then fumbles predictions, i.e, predictions containing numbers that won`t be drawn."
Teacher / Researcher: "-Well, this is quite difficult too. We cannot also predict those numbers!"
Bettor: How so?

In fact, if it was easy enough to make predictions of 35 fumbles numbers for EUROMILLIONS, for example, then we only needed to bet the remaining 15N that are out of the prediction. Unfortunately, virtually all algorithms that are developed around the world have a performance of 0%, that is, on average, they get the same performance than the common bettor gets at the end of the same period of time.
Almost all RENTAP`s forecasts are far away from 0 performance and most of them are above  that value.
Wherever possible RENTAP undertake changes in algorithms so that they produce the best possible predictions. In any case, it is possible that during periods of weeks or even months after the amendment, algorithms exhibit negative performance in some "sets". However, the RENTAP algorithms are developed in such a way that hardly have Vars = 0, which is what no mathematician wants.
Therefore, and contrary to what most assume, a negative performance can enable us to continue to win cash and prizes in a Lotto.
So, those players who wish to optimize their strategy should pick the BEST POSITIVE Var and / or WORST NEGATIVE Var.
In the 1st case they must wager the numbers of the respective prediction;
in the 2nd case should bet the numbers that were out of this prediction.
Thus, they may continue to often get prizes above the average until all sets Vars to stay positive.

Because one of the most popular criteria among bettors regarding the picking of the numbers are birth dates, marriage, etc. ..
Thus, whenever the key contains many winning numbers below 31 it means that are more winners than usual, which is reflected in decreased value of the prize, once the allocation is to be divided by most people.
So, try to dissuade your friends or relatives (who are not RENTAP followers) to make associations between the betting numbers and the days of month because these strategies cause disruptions in the amounts of prizes and nobody benefits from that!

Some bettors contact us asking if RENTAP can ever get 5 hits in 15N?

The answer is YES, no doubt. Even we can guarantee that this will happen several times, for sure! We just can not say when that will happen and the frequency of the events, i.e. the time between them. Remember that regarding the other european national lotto which is followed by RENTAP ( the model already got 5 hits in 10N in the draw 6/2012. Thus, on average, will be easier to get 5 hits in 15N.
Currently in 15N the amount of hits more likely for RENTAP to get is: in first place 1 hit, followed by 2 hits, 3 hits, 0 hits, 4 hits and 5 hits, respectively in that order. Therefore, all the amounts of hits will occur, simply one more often than others.

However, this question is important because it allows us to say that, on average, RENTAP will get 5 hits in 15N faster or, put another way, will get 5 hits in 15N more often than the common gambler who bets by intuition.

Some punters have questioned us about the statistics we use to elaborate our predictions: if is the frequency, the number of outputs, the delay, the balance-odd pairs, high-low, etc, etc,.
We know that some online sites publish forecasts for lotos precisely based on the statistics we mentioned, as well as others. You can even invent statistics for all tastes and we are pretty sure that all these sites base their techniques in these statistics. However, we do not see great possibilities to obtain good results that way.

RENTAP is essentially a mathematical / stochastic model, but not statistical. It is clear that if we are developing stochastic processes we will need statistics. However, we do not put too much attention on statistics, per se, but rather in the way they are used.
The algorithm is built mainly on mathematical work and stochastic principals. Making predictions supported exclusively on intensive use of statistical data will not produce relevant results; decisive is the mathematical work, not statistical. 
In the same way that a company should not be managed by the accountancy department, but by management, forecasts should not be developed by statisticians, but by mathematicians.
In these issues it pays more to think and act like a Economist than like an Accountant!

The forecast is for luck as aerodynamic for car design.
An aerodynamic car "cuts" the wind better than a "box". Similarly, mathematical predictions (deductive bets) face better luck than intuitive bets (birthdays, fixed keys, etc.).
Aerodynamics remove the excess, the waste matter. Mathematical models are the same on bets. Aerodynamics allows us to save fuel; RENTAP prediction models allow us to make money.

The efficiency gains increase with the passage of time. How much longer should we use a deductive system, the greater its efficiency and our earnings.
Indeed, a few seconds after we started a journey, reduction in the fuel consumption of a dynamic car is imperceptible, yet many kilometers after this effect has become very real.
With RENTAP models happens the same: we do not know if the next forecast will be above the REFERENCE, but certainly after the 30th prediction model results the RENTAP follower has already beaten widely ​​REFERENCE values.

RENTAP the model does not guess; it predicts. This means that we need to work and be patiente. Work for model authors and patience for bettors.
This is the disadvantage of credible systems.
There is no free lunches!

Sometimes we receive e-mails from some bettors or blog visitors who accuse us of "fabricating" the percentages of winnings, ie, of forging the performances of results we present.
Now, for the avoidance of doubt about the scientific seriousness of RENTAP the model we propose these gamblers and others that eventually manifest the same questions, to do the following exercise: 
during the period of 1 year (104 draws) bet 15 Numbers and 3 Lucky Stars at random, that is, as if you did not know the RENTAP model. Make use of fixed keys, birth dates, dreamed numbers, licence numbers, more outgoing numbers, numbers with more delays, fewer delays, etc, etc,.
It is important to do so before knowing the RENTAP forecast for that draw, so as not to be influenced by our numbers.
So, after each draw you should write down the hits achieved as well as those obtained by the  RENTAP model and 1 year later (albeit from 5 months it is possible already to notice the difference) sum all hits for either NUMBERS and LUCKY STARS and compare the results ...

We noticed that when the results of the predictions are below the REFERENCE there is a decrease in the blog`s audience. But if bettors observe the RESULTS of forecasts in Main Page certainly will note that usually a good result follows a less one, and vice versa. So, if some gamblers want to optimize their strategy, they should do exactly the opposite, ie, taking a "break" after a good result, because as the model beats the REFERENCE in all sets, they must expect that after a poor serie inevitably will follow a good one in order to keep the average performance!! 
Jokes aside, this goes to say that bettors should be regular and consistent in the use of forecasts, because only in this way can take advantage of this blog. At the end, the best approach is never missing a draw!!!

Guessing is a matter of luck ... 
Forecasting is a matter of time.
Guess it's faith that the next time we get it... 
Forecasting is to realize that the next time, probably all the picked numbers will not be drawn, but certainly those are the most probable of being so. 

Guessing is betting the birthday of myr daughter, grandson or car registration ...
Forecasting is knowing that the drawn numbers and the most probable of being so often coincide.

Guessing is seeking luck to escape work. 
Forecasting is working to escape the luck.

The RENTAP model is indicated to regular and frequent gamblers, although it can be used by curious occasion punters. The player must handle their bets as a marathon and not as a 100 meters race. It is also indicated to syndicates vebause they are more "professional" in the combination of numbers and rarely they forget to submit the ticket.

To make full use of the forecasts the bettor should be DISCIPLINED, PERSISTENT and PATIENT, that is, you should use the forecasts whenever possible and avoid using them in a discontinuous and alternating mode, since only in that way he will benefit from the increased probability that they bring. Players should not also add or subtract numbers because that will corrupt all the predictive work made by RENTAP.
You should not live obsessed with obtaining the first prize at the next draw, but should experience the game in a healthy and patient way, knowing that the RENTAP`s predictions do not guarantee a prize but only increase the odds of getting it.

The bettor must be RIGOROUSLY and strictly comply with the prognosis. Therefore, you should avoid changing or replacing the prognosis for other numbers, especially if they are not included in the 35N and 8LS sets. Remember that these are the main predictions of the model RENTAP. All other predictions derived from these ones.
Some people are reluctant about the possibility of prediction in lotto and gambling in general. These people should be noted that the issue is not the possibility but the quantification: "How much can we predict?" Or put in another way: How much is possible to predict above the common players for the same set of numbers? 

This question is crucial because an increase of 7% in the rate of hits could mean that the bettor will make a profit on his bets during periods of weeks or even months. 

The research we have developed is not finished and probably never will be. The mathematical model is constantly reviewed and improved,  in order to produce ever more accurate forecasts. We always seek to improve our brand as an athlete wants to beat his record.

In the blog you can follow RENTAP`s performance draw by draw. 

RENTAP don`t charge any taxes or fees. So, if you are a regular RENTAP follower and you are winning prizes on EUROMILLIONS thanks to RENTAP forecasts and you think we deserve a DONATION/CONTRIBUTION, please use the "paypal" account or contact us by e-mail.

Contact us at
  • to get more information about the RENTAP model;

      "Don`t you know which numbers to pick in EUROMILLIONS?
      Don`t break your mind! RENTAP picks the numbers for you and they come with a bonus: if you follow the forecasts regularly in time, you will get more hits than if you had picked them by your own!
      And more hits mean more prizes!"

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