The RENTAP algorithms

RENTAP - "The only lottery predictive 
                system, LIVE, on the internet!!!"   

RENTAP`s predictions can be used by all bettors. However, those bettors or syndicates who follow the predictions in a regular and assiduos basis increase their odds of being rewarded with more prizes! 

  • Did you know if you regularly submit 1bet – 5 Numbers – in EURO MILLIONS you may expect to get 0,500 hits per draw, on average?
  • Did you know if you regularly follow RENTAP prediction for that amount of Numbers, now you may expect to get not 0,500 hits per draw, but 0,610, on average, i.e. +22%?
  • Did you know that happens not only regarding 5N but also in all set of Numbers and Lucky Stars?

RENTAP is a mathematical prediction model applied to lotos in general.  
RENTAP consists in an algorithm (sets of mathematical formulas) that provide forecasts for lotteries type 5/50, 5/49, 6/49, 5/75, 5/59, 2/11, 1/15, 1/13, etc.
RENTAP`s algorithm was developed in order to incorporate and parameterize all the factors involved in a physical drawing of numbered balls, and their weights in the final mathematical formula.

As statistical data concerning the performance of the algorithm consists of hundreds of records, we can clearly state that this formula can effectively predict the winning numbers of a lotto, once the results beat the odds for the regarding amount of numbers!

Additionally, other factors are relevant to prove the effectiveness of RENTAP the model, namely: 

(i) after the very first records we note the trend to overcome the theoretical average, in all types of lottos and prediction sets. If RENTAP model could not predict, necessarily, in some cases the results would be positive in some lottos and negative in others. However, very early, I repeat, the trend is positive in all types of lotteries and prediction sets; 

(ii) despite the lottos are distinct, RENTAP`s performance is similar. This is observed mostly in the MEGAMILLIONS Number`s draw (5/75) and EUROMILLIONS Number`s draw (5/50), which present similar predictive results.

Based on the figures known so far, RENTAP estimates that, in the long run, the global average benefits of its algorithms will be: +5% above the odds

Therefore, regular RENTAP followers have, on average, +5% more chances to obtain ANY lottery prize (however RENTAP only tracks EUROMILLIONS and MEGAMILLIONS) including the 1st Prize!
(Or the old dilemma: "Would be better to CHASE or AMBUSH?")

Let us, first of all, a clarification:
1- Against what some people think the "fixed key" system has exactly the same odds than any other intuitive process. A "fixed key" system is an "at random" process like many others. It just allow bettors to save time when filling the ticket once the picked numbers are  already predefined.

2- Whenever we talk of "fixed key" we are also encompass mobile keys that include some fixed numbers (birthday’s dates, etc.) and others which vary from draw to draw (the drawing date, day of ticket`s submission, hour of submission, etc.). So we should more correctly describe the process as "fixed system" and not "fixed key". But as the practical results are exactly alike we may continue to designate the process as usual - "fixed key". Anyway, we are talking about intuitive strategies, in which the selection of numbers is not the result of a scientific process, but subjective.

Betting "fixed keys" is itself a process. A process is a set of rules, and in this case, the rules are very basic. Making an analogy with war tactics and hunting techniques the "fixed key" strategy consists in trying to capture the drawn numbers through an AMBUSH, instead CHASING – characteristic of RENTAP prediction model. Regular bettors use to bet fixed keys in order to avoid the work of selecting numbers and its combinations for each draw.
However, the bettor has no advantage in following that strategy. His odds are exactly the same of those bettors that pick different keys at random.

  • The main advantage of AMBUSH (fixed key) is the "surprise" effect which, we should admit, is a useless advantage in gambling.
  • The first disadvantage of AMBUSHING (fixed key) is to ignore when and if the victim come to our meeting.

  • The disadvantage of CHASING (RENTAP) is the need to expend energy (in this case, money) to harass the victim. However, assuming that we are talking about regular punters this ceases to be a disadvantage, since those who use the "fixed key" will also have to spend the same amount. Thus, this disadvantage is canceled.
  • The main advantage of CHASING (RENTAP) is the ability to follow or, at least, not lose sight of the victim, increasing thereby the probability of capture.

The "fixed key" is a random choice of numbers, which mean that, on average, its performace is lower than RENTAP`s performance.
The "fixed key" bettors, bet literally "blindfolded". In some drawings some of their favorite numbers have a good chance but most will not, as they ignore the most likely numbers; they are tied up to their key and unable to adjust it because it is fixed by definition from the very beginning. Therefore, the "fixed key" bettor wastes his money on most of the raffles, where most likely numbers are not listed in his favorite plot.

RENTAP followers bet "in sight." The prediction model allow them to know, in part, the most probable and the least probable numbers and thus, to concentrate their efforts on the positive elements and eliminate the negative elements, so as to increase the chances of getting more hits.
At the end, they seek to transform a 5/50 LOTTO to 5/30 one, for example, which means increase the chances of success from 1/2118760 to 1/142506, which is almost 15 times!!

Note: This article aims to sustain, according to the viewpoint and experience RENTAP model authors, why this algorithm is, theoretically, more likely to allocate prizes to gamblers, compared with other methods, they are more or less empirical.
One can consider the ridiculous and dramatic case of the bettor that decides starting to pick his entries through a forecast model and after successfully installed in this new process when checking, he has verified shocked that his favorite old and intuitive key that never or rarely had given him reasons for joy, had been drawn, now that he had finally put it aside. In this case, when bettors already use a “fixed key” for many years or have a special "faith" for certain key, they must not conflict with their subconscious and, if possible, they should combine the two betting processes.

Did you know that the odds of a common gambler (who chooses the numbers by himself) to get 2+0 prize are 1/23? It means: he needs 23 draws, on average, to get the 2+0 prize?

Did you know that if you follow RENTAP 5N forecast the value comes down from 1/23 to 1/15? It means that instead 23 draws the bettor needs only 15 draws, on average, to win 2+0 prize?

Logically, if the RENTAP forecast historical record (since mid 2011) allows us to draw these conclusions in relation to the 13th prize, is to conclude that the same is true for the remaining prizes!!

RENTAP came to prove that, contrary to what most of the people think:
  • the numbers of a lottery do not have the same odds;
  • numbers do not experiment a "random walk";

RENTAP don`t charge any taxes or fees. So, if you are a regular RENTAP follower and you are winning prizes on EUROMILLIONS thanks to RENTAP forecasts and you think we deserve a DONATION/CONTRIBUTION, please use the "paypal" account or contact us by e-mail.

Contact us at
  • to get more information about the RENTAP model;
  • to request other SINGLE forecasts 

      "Don`t you know which numbers to pick in EUROMILLIONS?
      Don`t break your mind! RENTAP picks the numbers for you and they come with a bonus: if you follow the forecasts regularly in time, you will get more hits than if you had picked them by your own!
      And more hits mean more prizes!"


      1. 3 main nombers oft 30 is nothing

        1. You cannot focus on the tree. You must focus on the forest. RENTAP is the only mathmatical model that beats the odds in the long run.
